Sunday, September 11, 2005


Am I suffering from deja-vu or is there really a new version of Pride and Prejudice about to be released? Featuring the lovely Keira Knightley (a name for sex-addicts to conjure with) and her self-confessed ass-double, this latest slice of content provision will no doubt do what the others did - bankroll the producers' alimony. The by-the-numbers appeal of Austen's literary tosh is easy to fathom - girl meets rich guy, claiming she's not in it for the money, girl plays hard-to-get with said rich guy, claiming she's not in it for the money, girl falls for same rich guy, claiming she's not in it for the money, girl gets rich guy and... aw, go read the book. Or the latest issue of OK or Heat magazine.

And spot the difference.

So why bother with the expensive frocks, stately locations and the trappings? Surely a savvy producer could do a contemporary take, so why not? Here's why - they already made Pretty Woman. And the one thing Julia Roberts couldn't be in that movie was independently wealthy, just like all the other anorexic plots featuring good-but-poor girls. Hello, J-Lo. In the final reel, they all have to put out, lie back and think of all the Gucci handbags and the great kitchen they're about to buy. Assuming they got past the pre-nupt.

Like, who would ever greenlight a movie featuring a 700-an-outcall hooker who genuinely falls in love? I say this with a little insider skinny because I'm deep in research for my new script. Some girls I've met are not only cute, personable and intelligent - they make Donald Trump look like a rank amateur. The fact that they're upfront about sex being the commodity as opposed to say, virtue, doesn't diminish them as human beings.

In this life - male or female - we all sell our asses and some are worth more than others. Tell that to the chick who played Keira's.

PS. My thoughts today are with all affected by 9/11. Which is more than Bush is doing in Louisiana and beyond. So much easier to mourn the dead than help the living. Nuff said.


Blogger riley said...

astute, clever and hilarious -- I never knew there was original thought among filmmakers. I'm congratulating myself for stumbling onto it. definitely coming back...

9/13/2005 2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you know what folk say about Edinburgh sex workers?

All fur knickers and nae coat!

4/06/2006 8:04 AM  

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